Thursday, November 20, 2008

The bugs are everywhere
I know it sounds funny,
But you have got to stop running so fast
Said Rutherford.

Lets be friends
It was unaware time aboard the craft.
Neat rows of cylindrical plastic held aloft our
boaty friends

Fortunately Stan stepped in with an inane story
Rutherford was irritated,
And then it was on their way for Jacinda and the cardboard chieftain Oreos.

All breathed a sigh of relief
As the irritated reader finally picked up where he left off.
Or did they?
The departing Rutherford could be seen
Jacinda screamed, and everything went black.
Stan said:
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It was fucking bizarre as shit
The reader cursed enthusiastically and burned the novella
This was just fucking awful.
Dammit, Dammit!! He screamed.
Why can't there be some blankity blank resolution

Jacinda and the flowercatchers
Awoke the next morning on the same dock with stan
The reader was gone, and so was Rutherford.

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